This post was written following a talk I attended in Oxford on April 30th 2015 at Waterstones, where I was fortunate enough to meet Barb Schmidt, founder of Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life and author of “The Practice”* a new book about using simple strategies to find peace in a busy world.
Change happens one person at a time, one moment at a time. On Thursday evening, a series of events led to me attending a talk at a bookshop in Oxford, and meeting Barb Schmidt (Peaceful Barb), author of new book, "The Practice" about using simple strategies to live a peaceful life.
After a meditation session that evening, I chose to go to the café, saw a friend sat at a table reading, and then ran into another friend who asked if I was staying for the talk.
In the past I would have filled my evening with plans, whether by myself or with someone else. As I am becoming more peaceful, however, I am beginning to create more time and space for myself, and that allows me to respond in the moment. It allows me to change course and accept a new invitation or a new experience if it presents itself.
And this is how I came to find myself at Barb's talk, in the café that evening after they had closed, which she started with a 1 minute meditation.
The moment Barb began her talk with a 1 minute meditation, you could sense the peace that came over the small group of us in the room, in the silence of the café at dusk. As someone who has been meditating for more than a year, and can now sit silently and still for half an hour, Barb's one minute meditation was a reminder that I can connect with myself in my life, at any time. I don't have to wait until I can sit and meditate in a designated place to connect with myself and my innate inner peace.
Through connecting with ourselves first, we can connect with others. Inspired by Barb's story, I took a chance, and something prompted me to speak first, to have the courage to say something. By speaking first, and being willing to share my story, others followed. Afterwards an older gentleman, who had been sat to the right of me, approached me to say he was a fellow Dyspraxic**. This led to conversations with other members in the audience, meeting new people, and making new connections.
Throughout her talk and during the signing afterwards, Barb was warm and confident, and interested in everyone, hugging everyone as if she had known us for years. And she laughed when I told her I was looking forward to reading her book on my morning commute the next day, with highlighter in hand, as she told me she does the same!
It's a gift to allow people to be who they are. It's a gift that you can sense Barb gives away freely to every person she encounters. And as we practise accepting ourselves in each moment, we become peaceful.
As we accept ourselves, we begin to allow others to do the same. And in this way we can begin to find peace in every moment.
As we accept ourselves, we begin to allow others to do the same. And in this way we can begin to find peace in every moment.
All it takes is practise.
Purlgirl xx
* "The Practice" (Barb Schmidt, Souvenir Press, 2015)
** I'm Dyspraxic and ADD, you can read more about my experiences and how I have come to accept my diagnosis on my blog Dyspraxic Pioneer