Sunday, 26 April 2015

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, a bird sings because it has a song" (Maya Angelou)

The sky is big enough for every bird

There is a bridge over the Thames River, near where I live, where I love to pause whilst crossing the bridge, whatever the time of day, to stand and look at the river and the meadow alongside it. Often my eyes are drawn to the sky, to the birds flying up above. 

Recently, I found myself looking up at a red kite soaring high up in the sky, so high up, it was as if he was touching the ceiling of the world. It was at that moment that I suddenly realised that the sky is big enough for every single bird, that there is enough space for every one of them, no matter what size, or how high they may fly. 

I realised then that if the sky is big enough for every bird, then maybe there is enough for everyone, and that in order to reach the moon, perhaps we have to help someone else get to Jupiter. 

Perhaps our dreams are so big for a reason, perhaps we are not meant to achieve them by ourselves alone. Perhaps we have to learn how to ask for help and how to give help in order to grow and achieve our goals. 

Perhaps courage is part of this challenge, the courage to tell someone our dream. It takes courage to tell someone your dream, you have to be brave enough to tell them, to open up. Until you tell them, if you don't open up and share what's in your heart, how can you know if they are meant to help you?

I have found myself surprised at times at the people who are able and willing to help me achieve certain things, simply because I told them what I wanted to do. Sometimes just telling someone has given me clarity and insight into what it is that I really want, and no further help is needed. They have provided a listening and encouraging ear, helping me to believe in myself, to bolster my belief that I can achieve my goal, whatever that goal happens to be. 

And that gives me the courage to begin my journey, and in turn to help others begin theirs. 

What's your dream? 

Purlgirl xx

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