Sunday, 23 April 2017

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” (Steve Jobs)

It's been 5 years since i started writing this blog. This will be my 50th post on this blog, and it feels like a milestone.

So much has happened since I started this blog. I have grown in ways I could never have foreseen, in many little ways, and in some more substantial ways. 

In the past 5 years, I have experienced a number of significant events in particular - I started and completed a Coaching Diploma, I have moved house, I have celebrated my brother's wedding and the birth of my niece, I have started a knowledge-sharing group where I work and taken it global to colleagues in our Singapore and India offices, I have been diagnosed with and learned to master Dyspraxia and Attention Deficit Disorder, I have learned to swim, to meditate, and I have begun to learn balance.

This blog has taught me much about myself, and connected me to people across the world. I have learned so much about the world, because writing this blog has led me to look for themes to write about, new connections, new experiences, and ideas, and coming to see myself as a writer. I am finding my voice, and I can see how I have grown, and yet looking back, I can still see my intention in my first post, and that I have remained true to that intention. To write, and share my story so that others could see that they are not alone. Because the world is so big and vast, we can trust that there are other people out there who see the world the same way we do; aside from the people in our immediate lives, our friends, neighbours and people in our communities. They may also be in another city, another country, on another continent, or on an island in the middle of an ocean.

Whilst going through my wardrobe yesterday, I noticed that I have maybe one outfit that I bought more than 5 years ago, and it brought home to me that even though I sometimes may not feel that I have changed in the past 5 years, that I may find it difficult to see myself as that changed person, that if I think about the clothes I no longer wear, then I can see that I have changed. In the same way that I have changed habits, and let go of other unhelpful habits and ways of being, I have come to learn what colours and styles suit me, and my personality, and my needs as I have grown.

I think the most valuable experience I have had, has been becoming my own person, and recognising that I have something to offer to the world, and that I can only succeed by being my best self. So often we think that we need to follow what someone else has done, to succeed like they have done. What we don't realise is that we need to stay true to ourselves, and that we have an inner guide to direct us. That if we are following someone who is already successful then we are already behind; it is too late to start saving up for our dream house by the time we see it. We need to trust it is out there and save up for it anyway, so that when we see it, we will have the money to be able to buy it. It is too late to become the person we want to be by the time we meet our ideal partner; we need to think about, and know who we want to be, and work towards becoming that person every day, with every action and choice, and trust we will know when we meet them.

Writing and sharing this blog with you, has given me an opportunity to learn who I am and what I stand for, and I am honoured and touched that so many people have read and followed it over the past 5 years. 

I thank you for your support, and I look forward to the next 5 years.


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