Tuesday, 4 December 2012

"Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow." (Douglas Pagels)

Live your life now, not just on holiday

Holidays are great! They're an opportunity to try new experiences, wake up in a new environment, meet new people and to take a break from our everyday lives. 

On the dance holiday in Ibiza recently, I told a friend I forget the rest of the world when I dance. She pointed out she finds her true self when she dances. Our holiday experience is unique to us - we find our true selves when we go on holiday.

We are so good to ourselves on holiday. We listen to ourselves, we nurture our souls, our bodies. Even those people who go out partying all night, because they sleep late the next day and take their time to rest, to recover and recharge. They honour their bodies, and their own needs, which are individual to each of us.

What I loved about the Ibiza holiday was that it was all-inclusive, someone else provided the food and organised the dance classes and freestyles. For a week, all I had to do was turn up. And even though I was there as part of a large group, I was still able to carve out alone-time for myself for a little while every day, whether that was spending time on the beach or dozing by the pool.

Because everything was organised, I was able to really relax, and just go with the flow. I was able to listen to my instincts, to eat, sleep and do whatever felt right in that moment, even if that meant finishing off every single meal with a slice of watermelon. 

On her holiday in Grenada, my friend Zoe discovered she really likes essential oil burners with essence of Jasmine. She has recently bought these for herself, to incorporate them into her everyday life, so that she can recreate that holiday feeling.

This is the true joy of going on holiday - we come back with new eyes, new rituals for our everyday life and maybe even a new haircut!

And with time, we realise that we can't wait until our holidays to do that - because real life is every day!

How many times have we wanted to just be a tourist in our own home town?

Which colour of the rainbow will you slide down to today? 



  1. Thank you for making me smile on a grey day, dear Lynn! Your post is just what I needed today :) Hug!

  2. Thank you Elke, it means so much to know that this blog is making someone smile on a grey day - that's exactly what I intended with it!

    Thank you for all your support of the blog. xx


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