Friday, 10 May 2013

"At first dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and then inevitable" (Christopher Reeve)

I recently came across this poem that I wrote a while ago. I am sharing it because I felt it was appropriate to this blog. The rest of the post follows below. 

"Dreams" *

Can we have what we dream? 

Or are our deepest desires to be locked up in secret forever?
Are they so fragile, that if we touch them they will shatter?
Or do we lack the courage to go for the big dreams we keep hidden away? 

Why, then, do some dreams come true? 

Do we want them enough? 
Are they simply meant to be? 
Did we let them come to us like a butterfly? 
Or did we pursue them? Did we visualise them? 
Did we see them in our mind's eye? 
Did we touch, taste, feel and surround ourselves? Did we wrap them around us? 
Did we appreciate them when they came true? 

Why is it that we are scared of achieving our goals? Why is it that we want to achieve them and yet we are so scared of what this will mean in our lives? 

What about when I go to the gym and do my workout? Halfway through I'm convinced I can't make it, but then  something kicks in and I find the energy to persevere - just begin, that's the hardest part. 

Once you start, it's like you're on a moving path, a bit like a horizontal escalator, it takes you forward. 

Perhaps that is the trick. To not think too much about the end result; to keep it in mind but to take it one step at a time. To choose to be confident every moment of every day, to look back and ask ourselves what we will wish we had done.

The hardest part of all is just to begin - if we will only put one foot in front of the other, each step takes us one step forward.

And how can we know what the next step is if we don't know what our final destination is? 

Purlgirl xx

* "Dreams" by Lynn Degele, (2008)

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